week 5 (09/26/2018)

During week 5, each Spartan Superway group had 10 min to present on the different improvement they had made on their design, their design specification, the challenges they'll be facing and gantt chart of the project. The full scale, half scale and small scale all presented during the period of the time. The small scale control team had their presentation as well and we presented on:
1. We presented on what Spartan Superway meant, what the project aimed to accomplish.
2. Then we talked about last year team and all the hard work they had done.
3. We introduced our first implementation idea, which was the wireless charging method with the intent to replace the LiPo batteries with NiMH 7.2V batteries.
4. Secondly we presented the 1000KV brushless motor that we were planning on using instead of the brushed motor. Considering the fact that the battery were 7.2V total, and that a 1000KV=1000rpm/V the brushless motor would run at 7200rpm/V.
5. The expected speed of a pod car was determine to be at least 0.5 meters, therefore we would have to find a way to gear down the motor speed.
6. For the multidirectional sensing part, we decided either implement a two extra ultrasonics sensors on the side of the pod car or some lidars.
7. We said that we would re solder the system on the board to avoid shortcuts.
8. We presented our gantt chart and the responsibilities of each member of the group as well.  


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