week 3 (Sept. 12, 2018):

During the third week of Spartan Superway, we had time to get familiar with the small scale team in general and  what everyone else was doing. Since our coach was not there at the moment, we got to talk to Kevin Brazil, coach of the small scale track. He explained what they had done last year. He walked the whole small scale team through the small track task of the project. While doing so, he gave us information on the previous small scale control team as much as he recalled.

Kevin walked us through the GUI app on the android tablet. He was not familiar with the code, but showed us how to navigate through the tablet itself. He explained that the podcast were connected via  Xbee Radio Frequency, he explained that the Xbee system worked such way that they were a master Xbee in a pod car and slaves in others.

Lastly, Kevin roughly walked us through the process of applying for funds and make a proposal. He laid out the time frames they followed the complete their project the previous year and some set backs to think of.


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